Tax Bill Information

The information provided in these databases is public record and available through public information requests. The Department of Local Government Finance has compiled this information in an easy-to-use format to assist Hoosiers in obtaining information about property taxes. Since the information displayed appears exactly as it is reported from each county, some formatting and other errors may be present. If a figure appears incorrect or inaccurate, you should contact the county auditor to verify its accuracy.

Having problems accessing the information? The data contained in these searches comes directly from each county, so the format in the database may vary. Try a partial search by using just the street name without direction or type. (For example, if the address is "123 Main St.", try inputting "123 Main".) You can also try using part of your last name instead of your full first and last name. If you are still unable to access the information, the data for which you are searching may not yet be available. You can check the statewide data status under "Data Compliance" at our Rates, Reports & Data or you can contact your local County Auditor for more information. To find contact information for your local official, please see Contact Your Local Officials.

Pay Year *
County *
Taxing District
Taxpayer Name
If you search your by name and the search does not find it try these tips.
  • Change the order of your first and last name.
  • Add your middle initial between your first and last names.
Parcel #
Taxing District Rate Min Max
Total Tax Bill Min Max
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* Required Field