Accessing the Other Post-Employment Benefits Report

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Units with Other Post-Employment Benefits

As questions are answered in Step 1, the remainder of the report will be customized to fit the unit’s needs. For units that offer other post-employment benefits, there are two separate paths for this report. 

Units that have completed an actuarial valuation

The first path is for users that have recently completed an OPEB valuation under standard 45 of the Government Accounting Standards Board. The Department understands that some units may not be required to complete a valuation annually or that a valuation for 2016 may not be completed before the March 1 deadline. Therefore, the Department will accept a valuation completed within the last 5 years. If an actuarial valuation was completed, but there are significant changes to the plan liability, users will need to describe these changes. For units that have completed an actuarial valuation, the users may choose to enter the five statutory data points in Steps 3, 4, and 5. Users have the option of completing additional information, but is it not required for units that have completed an actuarial valuation.

Units that have not completed an actuarial valuation

The second path is for users that have not completed an actuarial valuation of OPEB. For these users, the Department will collect qualitative data and will allow users to estimate some of the information typically calculated in an actuarial study. The Department understands that these will be estimates and the Department acknowledges that users who elect to enter these as a part of the filing are only entering a best guess without the paid help of an actuary. 

Once the current step is completed, please be sure to click, “Save Figures” to ensure all data is saved. Step 2 may be accessed by selecting “Step 2 >>>” at the top-left hand side of the page.

Step 2 – Health Care Insurance Plans

Step 2 collects insurance plan costs and enrollment for those offered to current employees and retirees.  This data rolls over from what was reported the previous year.  Units need to enter plan information for health plans offered.  For units that indicate in Step One that it does not offer OPEB, Step 2 is optional.  If the unit has plans that are only offered to active employees, those particular plans will also need to be reported.

To begin, on the top of this page the user will select the appropriate plan type from the drop down menu, enter a plan name, and then click the “Add” button on the right-hand side to save the plan.

Once all applicable plans are added, the next step is to enter the cost/enrollment information for each of the plans’ tiers. After entering the annual costs and enrollment information, click the “Add” button to save the entered data. Please note that there is a drop down menu on the top left-hand side of this section that is used to navigate between each plan. At least one tier per plan must be entered.

Once all tiers, for all applicable plans, have been added, continue to the Step 3.

Step 3–Expenses 

Step 3 summarizes the expenses incurred in the last calendar year.

The first field collects the expenditures paid directly for current retiree benefits. Examples of expenditures paid directly for current retiree benefits include payments of premiums.

The second field asks for the number of retirees currently receiving any other post-employment benefits.

The Department is also requesting an estimate of the higher premiums paid for current employees, because of the retirees in your insurance pool. If you have no current retirees purchasing health insurance, this number will be zero. For units that have not completed an actuarial valuation, please report an estimate of the higher premiums paid for current employees because of the retirees in your insurance pool.

One of the most complicated aspects of OPEB is understanding, and calculating, the subsidies provided and liability outstanding from allowing retirees to purchase health insurance on the unit’s group plan. In many cases, retirees pay the same premiums as active employees. As defined by the Government Accounting Standards Board, this can create an OPEB liability since it increases the overall risk of the plan. The true cost for retiree health coverage is usually higher than the cost for active employees. The retirees are typically older and more likely to require health care services. Therefore, this expense is a cost to the government unit, through its payment of higher premiums for current employees.

Lastly, Step 3 asks for the total OPEB expenses paid in the last year. This total represents expenses paid directly for current retirees and expenses incurred through higher premiums for current employees. This amount is typically the sum of the first and third questions in this step.

Step 4 – Liability

Step 4 reports factors that affect the overall OPEB liability. This step begins by collecting basic employee/retiree information followed by the last section that collects the total liability, as estimated by the unit or actuarial consultant.

In this last section of Step 4, if the unit has not completed an actuarial valuation of its OPEB liability, the Department understands that these will be estimates and the Department acknowledges that users who elect to enter these as a part of the filing are only entering a best guess without the paid help of an actuary.
The unfunded liability represents the total liability, less any assets set aside to fund future OPEB liability. 

Step 5 – Assets

Step 5 collects information regarding the funding of retiree benefits.

The first question asks if retiree benefits are being funded with assets designated for retirees.
The next question collects the total value of assets being saved to fund future OPEB liability. If no assets are currently being saved for future OPEB liability, please enter a zero.
The last question of this report collects the total contributions during the prior year to fund future OPEB liability. If there were not any contributions in the prior year, please enter a zero.
The Sign and Submit page may be accessed by selecting “Submission >>>” at the top of the page.

Signing and Submitting the Report

Your final step is to sign and submit this form. Please note that only users with submission rights will see the signature box.