Step 3: Upload Encumbrance Documentation
Solid Waste Management Districts are required to list each encumbrance that the district is legally obligated to pay and upload a scanned PDF copy of documentation that supports each one. To begin Step 3 you will click on “Click to Edit Form.”
If your unit does not have any encumbrances, you will want to skip
down to the bottom of the page and mark it as “Ready to Submit”
and move on to Step 4.
If your unit is legally obligated to pay an encumbrance, please be sure that you have a scanned image saved on your computer to support each encumbrance prior to starting on Step 3. You will now need to complete the fields below to link the file to a specific fund and purpose. First, you will select the fund that contains the encumbrance, from the drop down menu, for which you are uploading documentation.
Next, you will want to enter a short description or name of the encumbrance.
Your last data entry field for this step is to enter a description of the document that supports the encumbrance.
You will now need to choose the file you are uploading. To locate the file, click on “Choose File.”
Once “Choose File” is selected, the following pop-up box should appear. Now you will recall where the scanned PDF documentation was saved. To view the location it was saved, please click on the “Look in:” drop down box to select the location, such as “Desktop” or “My Documents.” Next, click on the file that contains the scanned image; it should now be highlighted in blue. The file name will appear towards the bottom of the page and you can now select “Open” to finalize your file selection.
The final step to upload the file is to click the “Upload File” button on the bottom right-hand side.
Once a file has been uploaded, a table will appear with the upload data and a clickable link to the file. To ensure the proper file was uploaded, you may select the blue underlined file link. If you uploaded another file by mistake, an upload can be deleted by clicking on the delete option on the right-hand side of the table.
Please be sure to upload supporting documentation for each encumbrance the district is legally obligated to pay. To upload documents for another encumbrance, simply follow the same steps listed above.
Once documentation has been uploaded for each encumbrance, or if you do not have any encumbrances, Step 3 should be ready to be marked as “Ready to Submit."
You can return to the Main Menu by using the “breadcrumbs” at the top of the page.
Similarly to Step 2, Step 3 on the Main Menu now presents a summary of the data entered. If any data needs to be updated, select “Click to Edit Form.”