User Guide for Monthly and Annual Engagement Uploads

  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing the Monthly and Annual Engagement Uploads
  3. Banner Icons
  4. Monthly Uploads
  5. Annual Uploads
  6. GAAP Uploads
  7. Direct Request Uploads
  8. Getting Help
  9. Frequently Asked Questions

4. Monthly Uploads

Each month cities, towns, townships, libraries, special districts, and school corporations are required to upload the following:

  • Bank Reconcilements - A bank reconcilement is a document that shows how you balanced the bank statement balance to your ledger balance. It should show the bank balance, plus deposits in transit, minus outstanding checks, plus/minus other reconciling items, and equal your ledger balance. You should upload a bank reconcilement for each bank account. You can upload one document or multiple documents.
    Bank Statements - A bank statement is the document you receive from your bank each month showing the beginning balance, each deposit, each check cleared, other activity, and ending balance. You should include all pages, including pages that show copies of cancelled checks.  You should upload this for each bank account. You can upload multiple documents.
    Outstanding Check Lists - The outstanding check list is the list of checks that have been written but have not yet cleared the bank account. You should upload this for each bank account. The total should agree with the amount on the bank reconciliation. You can upload multiple documents

  • Approved Board Minutes - Approved board minutes are required for all boards or commissions if they could have a financial impact on the governmental unit as a whole. If the minutes are online, you can provide the link instead of uploading the minutes. If the board does not meet each month, only upload the minutes for the months that they do meet. Upload the minutes to the month that the meeting took place, not the month they were approved.

Examples of what is considered a financial impact are as follows, but are not limited to:
Approve expenditures
Apply for grants (State or Federal)
Approve or recommend issuance of debt
Receive and open sealed bids and award the contract
Approve and sign contracts
Approve change orders

Examples of Boards and Commissions considered to have a financial impact on a governmental unit:
City/Town Council
County Commissioners
County Council
County Drainage Board
Redevelopment Commission
Tourism Commission
Economic Development Commission
Board of Parks and Recreation
Board of Public Works
Board of Sanitary Commission
Utility Service Board
Aviation Board
School Board of Trustees
Township Board
Pension Board

  • Funds Ledger - A report that shows the beginning balance, total receipts, total disbursements and ending balance of each fund as of the end of the month. If you have a computer system and are not sure what report has this information, check with your software vendor for assistance. An Excel File is preferred if you have computerized records, but is not required. If you have manual records, you can upload a scan or photo of your manual records that include this data. We have provided a Funds Ledger-Manual Records Template here and on our web page that allows you to input the information into an Excel spreadsheet that you can upload to fulfill this requirement if you prefer.

Each month school extra curricular accounts (ECAs) are required to upload the following:

  • Bank Reconcilements- See above for more information.
    Bank Statements (eff 12-2023)- See above for more information.
    Outstanding Check Lists (eff 12-23)- See above for more information.
  • Funds Ledger - See above for more information.

Each month the county auditor is required to upload the following:

  • Approved Board Minutes - See above for more information.
  • Funds Ledger - See above for more information.
  • Documentation of Reconciliation of Form 61 between Auditor and Treasurer – This should show the monthly comparison, notation of variances, and reconciliation of each fund between the auditor’s ledger and the treasurer’s ledger. This requirement is described in Chapter 7, page 42 of the Auditor’s Manual

Each month the county treasurer is required to upload the following:

  • Bank Reconcilements- See above for more information.
    Bank Statements- See above for more information.
    Outstanding Check Lists - See above for more information.
  • Cash Balance Report (Cash Book) – The Cash Book, Form 47, or approved form used in place of the prescribed form should be uploaded.
  • Documentation of Reconciliation of Form 61 between Auditor and Treasurer – This should show the monthly comparison, notation of variances, and reconciliation of each fund between the auditor’s ledger and the treasurer’s ledger. This requirement is described in Chapter 5, page 3 of the Treasurer’s Manual.

Each month the county treasurer, county recorder, county clerk and county sheriff are required to upload the following:

  • Bank Reconcilements- See above for more information. Note: If a recorder does not have an outside bank account, this is not required.
    Bank Statements- See above for more information. Note: If a recorder does not have an outside bank account, this is not required.
    Outstanding Check Lists - See above for more information. Note: If a recorder does not have an outside bank account, this is not required.
  • Cash Balance Report (Cash Book) 
    County Recorder, Form 3, the Recorder’s Fee and Cash Book
    County Clerk, Form 46, Clerk’s Cash Book and Daily Balance Record
    County Sheriff, Form 54, the Sheriff’s Cash Book, Form 205, the Ledger of Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances Commissary Fund, and Form 358, the Ledger of Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances for the Inmate Trust.

    (Any approved form used in place of the prescribed form mentioned above may be uploaded instead of the prescribed form.)

Due Dates:

The dates these files are due each month are below:

How to Upload:

To upload the file, you must have the document in one of the following file types on your computer: xls, xlsx, doc, docx, jpg, pdf, gif, tif, or png.

If you do not have a scanner or need assistance in creating the document, there are many businesses that provide this service for a small fee such as Staples, Office Depot or Kinko's. You can also ask your local library or another nearby governmental unit for assistance. A cell phone photo is also acceptable. Whether the documents are scanned images or a photo, they should be legible and easy to read.

On the screen shown below, select the month of the documents you are uploading from the "Select Upload Group" dropdown box. For example, if you are uploading the May bank reconcilement, select May. Select the type of file you are uploading in the "Select File Type" dropdown box. Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to the folder in your computer that contains the file you want to upload. Click on the file name so that the file name appears in the "File name" box. Click the "Open" button. The file name will then appear next to the "Choose File" button. Click the "Submit This Upload" button.


For the board minutes, you may upload a link to the board minutes on your website instead of a file. To do this, select board minutes from the "Select File Type" dropdown box. Click the circle next to Web Link. Enter the web address where the board minutes are located on your website. You can type in the address or copy and paste the link in the box. For more information on copying a web page link, see How to copy a web page link or URL. Click the Submit button.


After the file or link is uploaded, you will see an "Upload Successful" message. Click the OK button.

You can scroll down to see the file or link that was uploaded.

If you did not have a board meeting for the month selected, click the circle next to No Meeting. Click the Submit button to show that you did not have any minutes to upload for the month.

To view the file, click the blue down arrow icon. You should view the file to verify that the correct document was uploaded.

To view a web link of the board minutes, highlight the link, right click and select "open link in new tab" or "go to ..." depending on the web browser you are using.

If the incorrect document or link was uploaded, click the red X icon to remove it.

To download all of the documents that were uploaded, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the "Download All Files" link or click one of the other options as shown below:

The files will be saved in a compressed (.zip) file in the Downloads folder on your computer. See example below:

Right click on the zip file and select Extract All. Then click Extract on the next screen shown below:

The files will be copied to the folder shown on your screen.

For additional information, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

5. Annual Uploads

Each year cities, towns, townships, libraries, special districts, and school corporations are required to upload the following:

  • Year End Investment Statements and also (eff 2023) Register of Investments, General Form 350- Units with investments must upload a statement or documentation that shows the balance of the investment (such as a certificate of deposit) at the end of the year (June 30 for schools). If you do not receive a statement at the end of the year, you may upload documents that show when the investment or certificate of deposit was purchased and the value at the time it was purchased.
  • Excel Data Capture (Data Dump) (no longer optional eff 2023) - Please check with your software vendor to see if this available to you. This should include receipts including receipt numbers, date received, amount of receipt, fund posted to, and who it was received from. This should also include disbursements including check numbers, date disbursed, amount of disbursement, fund posted to, and vendor/payee names. This is not required if you have hand posted records.
  • Detail of Receipts by fund and account (if Data Capture not available) - A transaction level listing of receipts including receipt numbers, date received, amount of receipt, fund posted to, and who it was received from. Please upload an Excel file if possible, if not a searchable PDF if possible. This is not required if you have hand posted records.

  • Detail of Disbursements by fund and account (if Data Capture not available) -A transaction level listing of disbursements including check numbers, date disbursed, amount of disbursement, fund posted to, and vendor/payee names. Please upload an Excel file if possible, if not a searchable PDF if possible. This is not required if you have hand posted records.

  • Current Year Salary Ordinance (or Schedule) and Amendments - This is the salary ordinance (or schedule) for the year you are uploading. Any amendments to the salary ordinance (or schedule) should also be uploaded. For example, if you are uploading the 2019 annual uploads, the salary ordinance should be for 2019.
    For townships -This is Form 17. See the Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual Appendix 
    For schools- This is the Approved Salary Schedule for Noncertified Employees and Amendments  for July 1 to June 30, listed by employee (including board approval). 
    For school extra curricular accounts- you are not required to upload this report.
  • Annual Vendor History Report - This report shows the total amount disbursed to each vendor/payee for the year. Please upload an Excel file if possible, if not a searchable PDF if possible. This is not required if you have hand posted records. Townships and school extra curricular accounts are not required to upload this report. 
  • Annual Funds Ledger - A report that shows the summary of the beginning balance, total receipts, total disbursements and ending balance of each fund for the year. If you have a computer system and are not sure what report has this information, check with your software vendor for assistance. An Excel file is preferred if you have computerized records, but is not required. If you have manual records, you can upload a scan or photo of your manual records that include this data. We have provided a Funds Ledger-Manual Records Template  here and on our web page that allows you to input the information into an Excel spreadsheet that you can upload to fulfill this requirement if you prefer. 
  • Annual Payroll History Report (without social security numbers) - This should include at a minimum the date, employee name, gross wages, and check number for all payroll checks issued for the year.  An Excel file is preferred or a searchable PDF. Thiis not required if you have hand posted records.
  • Accounts Payable/Receivable Schedule Support (eff 2023)-This should include a list of Accounts Payable items by vendor and amount totaling to the amount entered on the AFR and a list of Accounts Receivable items by vendor and amount totaling to the amount entered on the AFR.
  • Direct Federal Grant Agreements/Award Letters and Amendments initiated during year (eff 2023)- For units with direct federal grants, any federal financial assistance (grants, loans, loan guarantees, non-cash contributions, food commodities, etc.) that a recipient receives directly from a federal awarding agency. 
  • Agreements for Subawards made to Subrecipients for all Federal Grants initiated during year (eff 2023)- For units that make subawards,  a subaward is an award provided by the unit to a subrecipient for the purpose of the subrecipient to carry out part of the federal award received by the unit. A subaward may be provided through any form of legal agreement, including an agreement that the unit considers a contract. Note: Subawards do not include payments to a contractor or payments to an individual that is a beneficiary of a federal program.
  • Personnel Policy (eff 2023) All units with employees will be required to upload their Personnel Policy in 2023 and update in future years if modified.

In addition to the above reports, each year schools are required to upload the following:

  • School Lunch Prepaid Account Balance Report as of June 30 – This is a subsidiary listing which should include the student’s name, account number, and account balance at June 30. The total should agree to the fund balance at June 30.

In addition to the above reports, each year cities and towns with courts are required to upload the following:

  • Court Trust Fund Subsidiary Detail - This is a subsidiary listing as of December 31 which should include the name, description, and account balance at year end. The total should agree to the fund balance year end. 

In addition to the above reports, each year townships are required to upload the following:

  • Contracts for Mowing and Fire Protection (eff 2023)- These can be uploaded as soon as they are completed.


Each year the county auditor is required to upload the following:

  • Excel Data Capture (Data Dump) - See above for more information.
  • Detail of Receipts by fund and account (if Data Capture not available) - See above for more information.
  • Detail of Disbursements by fund and account (if Data Capture not available) - See above for more information.
  • Current Year Salary Ordinance - See above for more information.
  • Annual Vendor History Report - See above for more information. 
  • Annual Funds Ledger - See above for more information.
  • Annual Payroll History Report (without social security numbers) - See above for more information.
  • Accounts Payable/Receivable Schedule Support- See above for more information.
  • Direct Federal Grant Agreements/Award Letters and Amendments initiated during year- See above for more information. 
  • Agreements for Sub-awards made to Subrecipients for all Federal Grants initiated during year  - See above for more information.
  • Personnel Policy - See above for more information.

Each year the county treasurer is required to upload the following:

  • Year End Investment Statements and Register of Investments, General From 350 - See above for more information.

Each year the county sheriff is required to upload the following:

  • Inmate Trust Fund Subsidiary Detail - This is a subsidiary listing as of December 31 which should include the inmate name, inmate number and account balance at year end. The total should agree to the fund balance year end.

Each year the  county clerk are required to upload the following:

  • County Court Trust Fund Subsidiary Detail - This is a subsidiary listing as of December 31 which should include the name, description, and account balance at year end. The total should agree to the fund balance year end. This would include the child support collections subsidiary detail


Due Dates:

These documents are due the same date as the Annual Financial Report which is August 29 for schools and March 1 for all other unit types.  The Annual Uploads for schools should include data for the fiscal year ending June 30,  so it should include data for the period July 1 through June 30.


How to Upload:

    To upload the file, you must have the document in one of the following file types on your computer: xls, xlsx, doc, docx, jpg, pdf, gif, tif, or png.

    If you do not have a scanner or need assistance in creating the document, there are many businesses that provide this service for a small fee such as Staples, Office Depot or Kinko's. You can also ask your local library or another nearby governmental unit for assistance. A cell phone photo is also acceptable. Whether the documents are scanned images or a photo, they should be legible and easy to read.

    On the screen below, select Annual from the "Select Upload Group" dropdown box. Select the type of file you are uploading in the "Select File Type" dropdown box. Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to the folder in your computer that contains the file you want to upload. Click on the file name so that the file name appears in the "File name" box. Click the "Open" button. The file name will then appear next to the "Choose File" button. Click the "Submit This Upload" button.

    If you have hand posted records, you do not have to upload a file for the Detail of receipt activity, Detail of disbursement activity, and Annual Vendor History Report. Instead, click the circle next to Hand Posted Records to indicate that you do not have a file to upload. Then click the "Submit This Upload" button to upload this information.


    After the information is uploaded, you will see an "Upload Successful" message. Click the OK button.

    You can scroll down to see the file or information that was uploaded.

    To view the file, click the blue down arrow icon. You should view the file to verify that the correct document was uploaded.

    If the incorrect document or information was uploaded, click the red X icon to remove it.

    To download all of the documents that were uploaded, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the "Download All Files" link or click on one of the other download options as shown below:

    The files will be saved in a compressed (.zip) file in the Downloads folder on your computer. See example below:

    Right click on the zip file and select Extract All. Then click Extract on the next screen shown below:

    The files will be copied to the folder shown on your screen.

    For additional information, see the Frequently Asked Questions.


    After the information is uploaded, you will see an "Upload Successful" message. Click the OK button.

    You can scroll down to see the file or information that was uploaded.


    To view the file, click the blue down arrow icon . You should view the file to verify that the correct document was uploaded.

    If the incorrect document or information was uploaded, click the red X icon  next to the document to remove it.

    To download all of the documents that were uploaded, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the "Download GAAP Uploads" link as shown below:


    The files will be saved in a compressed (.zip) file in the Downloads folder on your computer. See example below:

    Right click on the zip file and select Extract All. Then click Extract on the next screen shown below:

    The files will be copied to the folder shown on your screen.

    For additional information, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

    To upload the file, you must have the document in one of the following file types on your computer: xls, xlsx, doc, docx, jpg, pdf, gif, tif, or png.

    If you do not have a scanner or need assistance in creating the document, there are many businesses that provide this service for a small fee such as Staples, Office Depot or Kinko's. You can also ask your local library or another nearby governmental unit for assistance.

    On the screen below, select Direct Request from the Upload Group dropdown box. Select the file requested in the File Type dropdown box. Click the "Browse" or "Choose File" button and navigate to the folder in your computer that contains the file you want to upload. Click on the file name so that the file name appears in the "File name" box. Click the "Open" button. The file name will then appear next to the "Browse" or "Choose File" button. Click the "Submit This Upload" button.


    After the file is uploaded, you will see an "Upload Successful" message. Click the Ok button.

    You can scroll down to the Direct Request section and see the file that was uploaded.

    To view the file, click the blue down arrow icon. You should view the file to verify that the correct document was uploaded.

    If the incorrect document or information was uploaded, click the red X icon to remove it.

     To download all of the documents that were uploaded, scroll to the bottom of the screen click the "Download All Files" link or one of the other links as shown below:

    The files will be saved in a compressed (.zip) file in the Downloads folder on your computer. See example below:

    Right click on the zip file and select Extract All. Then click Extract on the next screen shown below:

    The files will be copied to the folder shown on your screen.

    For additional information, see the Frequently Asked Questions.