ERA Deductions/Abatement Files

Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-12.1-8, county auditors must annually publish abatement information, including a list of the real and personal property abatement applications that resulted in abatements being granted in Economic Revitalization Areas for the current year. Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1-8 also requires county auditors to submit abatement information to the Department of Local Government Finance. Publication of the abatement information and submission to the Department must occur no later than December 31 each year. The menu below displays the files submitted for the year selected.

Select Year:

 CountyFile Count
Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 92 items in 5 pages
01 - Adams2
02 - Allen1
03 - Bartholomew1
04 - Benton1
05 - Blackford3
06 - Boone0
07 - Brown0
08 - Carroll0
09 - Cass1
10 - Clark1
11 - Clay2
12 - Clinton1
13 - Crawford0
14 - Daviess1
15 - Dearborn3
16 - Decatur1
17 - DeKalb9
18 - Delaware1
19 - Dubois1
20 - Elkhart1